Vygotsky and On-Line Learning

I’m in the midst of commenting on grad students’ lit reviews submitted electronically. This is our online class for the week. Many students profusely thank me for “helping” them. I reply that what I’m doing is teaching.

Of course this is a different paradigm of teaching, one made possible by e-learning. Specifically what I do is use comments to engage the students in conversation with a more knowledgeable other, by which I mean me the professor, MKO in the jargon.

I’m still digesting Walqui & van Lier’s chapters on Vygotsky.

Walqui, A., & Van Lier, L. (2010). Scaffolding the academic success of adolescent English language learners. San Francisco, CA: WestEd.

E-learning has enormous potential if used in this way.